Re: reply
Written by R J Knight at 16 Jul 2000 22:56:06:As an answer to: reply written by joe at 16 Jul 2000 09:28:29:
Joe, don't worry about the size of it. Just go ahead and enjoy it. Chances you're more concerned with size than is your lady friend, & if she is, chances are you should find another lady friend. You could go to someone who specializes in such things & have it surgically augmented, but as somebody else indicated, you're really not going to be better off after the cutting. Good luck, Bob.
>>There is no non-surgical way to increase penis size, and there are many risks with surgery. Also, smoking has nothing to do with it (though there are other good reasons to give up smoking). But why worry ?? Five inches is well within the normal range.
>>For a good discussion of penis size, try:
>>The pleasure you give (to yourself and your partners) has little to with size. So enjoy :-)
>>>I am 18 years old. My erect penile size is close to 5 inches. I'm kina depressed here. Is there any non-surgical way to induce growth? Also how much (if at all) can I expect it to grow? Last question: Does smoking affect size and growth of the penis, wil it help to quit now? I appreciate all info I can get. Thanks
>There is a procedure where you cut a ligament or something, which adds about an inch to your size, but the penis cant point up when erect, it stays at a 90 degree angle. Another way is to take fat from your leg and add it, but thats risky. Best bet is to ask your doctor.