Re: Frenulum/Smegma
Written by Baruka R at 17 Jul 2000 18:53:34:As an answer to: Re: Frenulum/Smegma written by John C at 30 Apr 2000 08:28:29:
>>I am 32 years old, and am uncircumsized. I have never had a problem with my penis....ever....until now.
>>I have concluded that part of my problem is called "smegma"....a lubricant that the foreskin produces. In 32 years, I have never produced this smegma, or at least it was such a miniscule amount that I have never noticed it. I have always been confused about the discussions of keeping an uncircumsised penis clean, because I have never had to worry about has always been clean, which I thought was due to being sanitary and taking a shower every day. Well, in the last 2 weeks or so, I have had to clean myself 3 or 4 times a day.
>>This is my first concern.....why is it surfacing now, and is there something I can do to get my old self back?
>>My second concern is that my frenulum looks like it is half cut, and is a bit discomforting when retracting my foreskin, or pulling it back over my penis. It is even temporarily uncomfortable when urinating. It hasn't ever bled uncontrolably.....but it has produced a blood drop or 2 from me prodding at it.
>>Is this tear caused from an infection from smegma?
>>Just as a little "personal" information (maybe TOO personal, but what the hay!) about me......I have always masturbated since around the age of 13 and have been sexually active for more than 10 I can rule out the theory of "first-time erection" and "awakening my sexualality" being the cause of my smegma and frenulum problem.
>>Is there anyone who can shed some insight, or even theories for my condition?
- Re: Frenulum/Smegma R J Knight 7/17/2000 23:22 (0)