Frenuloplasty report
Written by Mats at 19 Jul 2000 16:15:37:Hi everyone, and please excuse my english as I'm french.
I found this board by looking for information about frenuloplasty since I had one 5 years ago (I'm 28 now) Here is what happened, sorry if it's too long :
I was at the army in Germany for my Military service and had one week-end/month for coming back home. I spent an evening with my girfriend one of these week ends and something happened. I just want to point out now that I knew my frenulum was quite short since it was sometimes painful when erected and just as a guitar cord. So, this evening, by accident she gave me a fingernalil cut right on my frenulum. It was bleeding and we were both so scared. I took my boxer shorts and pushed on the scar in order to stop the bleeding. After a while and a red soaked boxer short, it sounded quite OK and I came back home, quite shocked. The morning after, I woke up and it was bleeding again... so I take an appointment with my doctor and see him a moment later. He tells me my frenulum broke and it's too sad that I never told before that it was short otherwise he would have sent me correct this. As the cut was too big and due to administrative reasons (I was a Military), I had to go to a military hospital...
So, I called the hospital and drove drove there. I met the doctor who told me it was healed now and that I need a frenuloplasty in order to "finish" correctly the job... I had tons of administrative papers to do, due to my military situation in Germany and didn't want to be hospitalized in Germany when there was an hospital right close to my house...So, afer all the paperworks and the help of a doctor's friend of mine in Germany, I have an appointment to this hospital and have to be there the day before the surgery since I would have to pass a visit with the anesthesist and be ready for the surgery early the next morning.
So I arrived in the morning at the hospital and was given my room by the nurse. I Spent most of my day doing nothing, just waiting. In the middle of the afternoon, I went to the anesthesist who checked my medical records. I learned it would be a general anesthesia and in fact didn't care. I came back to my room and was called by a nurse for the "shaving". I followed her in a room with this medical table and light above and was asked to remove my pant and boxer. I acted, quite nervous to be naked in front of her. I layed on the table and she shaved all my pubic area, going way too far up and down I think. Unfortunatly I had an erection so she asked me to help her by holding my penis so she could shave correctly under... It was a weird moment but quite erotic especially when one of her colleague came in the room in order to ask her something...I can tell you that at this moment, I was really not proud of myself and felt very vulnerable.
So, I was shaved, was ordered to take a shower and came back so she finished the shaving (with again an erection..).After that it looked really weird to have no hairs.
The morning after, I woke up and a nurse gave me a pill. Then a moment later as I felt weird, two nurses took me on a bed with wheels. I woke up later in my bed and it was done...It was scaring to pull the sheets since it was like lot of tissue, blood... Like a gunshot on my penis !
Later, the nurse came and helped me cleaning this mess and my penis was weird, due to the operation I think. After one week (of itching by the way, the hairs were growing!!) I came back home and then to the army.
So, 2 weeks later :
- I could now have erections without pain
- my frenulum is fine and I still have my whole prepuce
- It looked like I gained in lenght
- I could start masturbation and sex with my girfriend (still once a months..)without pain !
So, if you get any trouble, don't worry about a frenuloplasty, it's not a big deal and you can even have some funny moments ( like the shaving by a nurse :-)