At least rule out total impotence...
Written by R C at 31 Jul 2000 07:51:10:As an answer to: IMPOTENCE at 19 written by WORRIED DUDE at 31 Jul 2000 05:33:22:
>I appreciate all your comments regarding tight foreskin. But can anybody answer my questions regarding the fact i couldn't get an erection when a girl offered me sex?? I get erections all the time looking at porn, so could I just have been nervous about losing my virginity?
The fact you CAN get erections proves you're not impotent. My guess is that the problem here is probably mental. Do you have performance anxiety? Maybe you're not totally ready for sex at the moment. or perhaps you're not totally comfortable with this girl, so you're not mentally at ease and your body can't prepare for sex. You might want to do some further research, however, I'm not the most canon source.