I like my tight foreskin, but will it all go wrong?
Written by Aldo at 03 Aug 2000 04:25:10:Hi.
I am 19 and have never seen my foreskin retracted. I have a very tight foreskin wich cannot be retracted at all even when not erect. This however has not stopped me having sex, infact Because I am less sensitive I can outlast most of the girls I'm Fucking. because of this and other reasons I do not not wish for my foreskin to be made 'normal'. My only fear is that my tight foreskin will through sex eventually stretch to a point where it can be only partially retracted, thus risking pain. I have read about men who have learned to live and do infact prefer their non-retractable foreskins. I would like too talk with these men, as I live in a country which can only be described as living ion the medical dark ages. Thanks for any help.
- Re: I like my tight foreskin, but will it all go wrong? R J Knight 8/04/2000 17:27 (0)