Re: HELP Spanish translation: Z plasty
Written by Porque me duele al tocarme el glande del pene? at 18 Aug 2000 00:51:55:As an answer to: HELP Spanish translation: Z plasty written by RS at 05. September 1999 at 22:20:18:
>I have this one last translation to do for the Complete Frenulum Studies
>and I`m stuck ... can anyone help me please?>Robin
>para 2:
>Una brida cicatricial los corta perpendicularmente. Para corregir esta brida retractil es necesario desviar y quebrar la linea recta vertical>para 3:
>que las oblicuas sobre glande y prepucio se independizan>____________________________
>AND The complete text:>This text belongs with the first picture of the treatment section in
>>Frenulum of the Prepuce; "Z" shaped plastic surgery
>Frenillo de Pene. Plastica con "Z">Por los Dres. Jack Davis y Rufino J. Flores Belaunde
>On behalf of Drs. Jack Davis and Rufino J. Flores
>Belaunde>Rev. argent. urol 23:144-145 Mar-Ap 54 S
>La figura 1 esqematiza el principio del metodo
>quirurgico, en geometria plana. Se movilizan dos
>colgajos, formados por triangulos isoceles: uno se
>ha disenado con puntos y el otro rayado. Al
>movilizarlos, el extremo libre del colgajo de puntos
>(B) se lleva al punto B'. En igual forma al otro
>extremo A se vuelea sobre A'. Como resultado de esta
>trasposicion de colgajos se obtiene un aumento del
>diametro vertical, y una cicatriz en zig-zag.>In figure 1 the principles of plastic surgery are
>outlined. The movement of two areas of healthy skin
>formed by two isocoleses triangles, one is
>designated with spots the other with stripes. By
>moving the free extremeties of point B to point B'.
>In the same way as the other extremity A
>automatically moves to A' As a result of this
>transposition the skin areas obtain a greater
>vertical diameter and a zig zag scar.>
>La figura 2 muestra la aplicacion geometrica a una
>region de piel cuyos pliegues corren
>transversalmente. Una brida cicatricial los corta
>perpendicularmente. Para corregir esta brida
>retractil es necesario desviar y quebrar la linea
>recta vertical, y el metodo mas simple y efectivo
>es una "Z" en la forma anotadqa.>Figure 2 shows the geometrical application to an
>area of skin whose folds run transversally. .....??? :::
>and most effective way of doing this is the Z as
>described above>
>Aplicando este metodo al frenillo de pene hemos
>conseguido excelentes resultados (figuras 3y 4), aun
>en casos rebeldes y recidivados. Observese en figura
>4 que la cicatriz transversal cae en el surco
>balano-prepucial, y que las oblicuas sobre glande y
>prepucio se independizan.>Applying this method to the frenulum of the penis has
>given excellant results (figures 3 and 4) without
>any rebellious cases needing to be repeated. Notice
>that in figure 4 the vertical cut is hidden in the
>balano preputial fold furrow wrinkle ....??? ...
- aliviate Estefany 10/09/2000 22:54 (0)