Re: Easy to fix!!!!!!!!!!
Written by Nick at 21 Aug 2000 03:15:02:As an answer to: I NEED HELP ... I HAVE PROBLEMS WITH THE FRENULUM written by Ron at 20 Aug 2000 03:54:19:
>The first time i had sex was very dissapointing for me because i had pain in the frenulum durring intercourse and i couldnt continue....Now i am affraid to have sex because i think that it will be like the first time so please tell me what should i do or give me some advice ...thank you
Hey whats up! My friend is 20 and he had the same problem. He had a "frenuloplasty" done. Its done in the doctors office under general anethesthia.
Heres a link to a research page about it:">
If you have any questions, email me and I'll ask him for you.
p.s. he said he's glad he got it done. It totally ended his problem