Foreskin all the time pulled back
Written by Bobby R. at 29 Aug 2000 22:35:36:As an answer to: I want to have my foreskin all the time pulled back written by laurent at 05 Mar 2000 03:21:29:
>i'm 21 and my girlfriend says she'd prefer my penis to
>look like a circumcized one, but i'm uncut, so my foreskin
>always covers my glans. I can pull it back easyly but
>it re-covers my glans within a faw time.I was younger than you when I decided I wanted the same thing. I read about boys and men with phimosis and it sounds like so much a problem I should be happy that my skin was loose like yours. But the bad thing is that it would not stay pulled back for a long time. I was happy to read that somebody has found and put on websites new ways to make it work. I wish I had that when I was younger. Don't give up trying, you will make it work and enjoy it better pulled back all the time.