Re: my penis
Written by Allen at 14 Sep 2000 15:09:55:As an answer to: my penis written by scaryboy at 22. November 1999 at 05:27:46:
>my penis is all messed up. the hole that is supposed to be at the tip is on the backside of the head. its like i have no backside to my penis, cause that is where my hole is. why?
You have hypospadias. I have the same condition. Yahoo has 2 club for guys with this condition. It can be corrected with surgery but you better join these clubs to get the lowdown on surgery. Be careful of doctors. I have had several doctors go bizerk wanting to fix my pee hole and cut off my foreskin. I don't understand this. It interests other guys to see me pee out of the bottom of my penis head. Send me your email address and I will send you a picture of my penis hole.
- Re: my penis R J Knight 9/14/2000 19:56 (0)