Re: Phimosis...

Written by Allen at 14 Sep 2000 15:15:38:

As an answer to: Phimosis... written by DD at 13 Sep 2000 05:25:48:

>Okydoke... well, I've got a tight foreskin. It won't retract, it'll open up a little but won't retract at all over the glans. It has always been like that, so I never thought much about it. I have no problems urinating, no problems masturbating. The skin will open up about 3/4 of a cm, and is off centre from the tip. Never had any infections or the like - I just wondered if it is likely to interfere with intercourse? I don't exactly want to grab a girl and "test" it on her you know ;)

Hey, don't get circumcised. There are techniques that will help you stretch the opening of your foreskin so you can naturally pull it back. It doesn't happen overnight but when you are done you will not regret saving your foreskin. Search the Web for this. Also, I believe there is a club in Yahoo that will help you with you phimosis. Check it out. Never circumcise foreskin. Good Luck!

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