topical steroid treatment
Written by Frank at 19 Sep 2000 17:28:50:Does anybody have experience with a topical steroid treatment of phimosis? I have a mild case of phimosis and have just been prescribed a 0.5% betamethasone cream. Now I am a little confused as to how to apply the cream. Most resources on the internet say you have to apply it "externally" -- it sounds as though they mean on the "very outside" of the prepuce. When I mentioned this to my doctor he chuckled and said that I would have to unroll it completely before applying the cream, otherwise it is totally uneffective. However, this seems a little odd to me. The part of my foreskin that is the most tight (sort of a narrow ring) is always on the outside, even if I pull the foreskin all the way down. Pulling it down does not expose it any more or less. Does anybody have some advice for me?
Also, to those who have undergone a topical steroid treatment -- did you find it worked? How long did you use it? Where the effects lasting?
I really appreciate any bit of information that could help me become unconfused! Thanks guys!
- Re: topical steroid treatment DD 9/20/2000 15:23 (1)
- Thanks DD and Charles! frank 9/20/2000 18:45 (0)