Frank & Bernt: 2 different problems, 2 different solutions
Written by Charles at 20 Sep 2000 00:37:59:This is to Frank and Bernt, hope you read each other's messages. The topical corticosateroid creams are skin thinning agents. When applied to the outside or surface of the foreskin they are to make it stretch easier so it can be retracted off the penis head without restriction, pain, or injury. This will require repeated treatment if the foreskin has not been retracted or retractable frequently and recently. Products similar to the Betamethasone are Kenalog or Kenacort, Triamsinilone and Neosporsin. Be careful about allerfgic reaction.
Excessive sensitivity of the penis head -after- it is exposed requires a different treatment. I have read others who suggest oil of cloves or juice from the eucaliptus bush, but I cannot comment from experience. A common jelly used to aid in sex is called KY and may contain something of novocaine that temporarily numbs the feeling. You may have to wrap the penis head with soft tissue or cloth for a few days or week or two until you get more used to it. It is only temporary and will begin to feel good in a short time.
- Re: Frank & Bernt: 2 different problems, 2 different solutions Bernt 9/22/2000 19:20 (0)