May be frenum not artery damage
Written by Robbie at 27 Sep 2000 02:18:32:As an answer to: can someon help please written by CJ at 26 Sep 2000 23:59:26:
I am not aware of an artery down there. The frenum is the stretch of skin that connects the cock head below the pee slit to the shaft, and that is usually what gets torn. It is advisable to keep the foreskin stretched back as much as possible to allow the torn skin to heal in a separated state, without growing back together as before, or else it will only tear again. It is popular in South America instead of circumcision to have the frenum surgically cut to allow the foreskin to easily stay pulled back or forward. You may be be able to use this accident to the same advantage if you do not let it grow back together at the tear. If it is painful right now, try putting bandage or gauze with neosporin on the place where it is torn, to aid healing and also to protect it from abrasion while it is still sore.