Hope This Helps
Written by Charles II at 01 Oct 2000 05:01:54:As an answer to: Help, please? written by J-CR at 30 Sep 2000 04:46:47:
You said you can fully retract the foreskin when the penis is flaccid, and did not say there is any difficulty or pain. Therefore, you have no adhesions of the foreskin to the glans. You probably have no problem with the frenum either. It sounds like only one thing, a mild case of phimosis, due to the penis or at least the glans enlarging too much to pass the tight foreskin during erection. Have you tried retracting the foreskin -prior- to an erection, and if so is there any excess tightness, swelling or other problem? If not or if only minor, try this as frequently as possible as a stretching exercise. It might help to apply a bit of corticosteroid cream to the outside of the foreskin near the tip to aid stretching. Also, what new forum are you talking about?
- Re: Hope This Helps Wolf 10/07/2000 05:28 (1)
- Paraphimosis: That's The Whole Point -- To Find Out Charles II 10/07/2000 18:12 (0)