Re: do you regret it?
Written by Harold at 16 Oct 2000 03:24:30:As an answer to: Re: do you regret it? written by SG at 07 Oct 2000 11:21:26:
As a peron who has spent 65 or so of his 76 yrs with a basicaly bare "skinned back" penis and the using a trial several month "covered" period to check onthe "intacters" claims I can agree that exposing the glans to air doesn't kill of all the sensation, snd it is definitely the cleaner way to go. More fun visually too!No. Not for one moment have I regretted being circumcised.
>I may regret or have a sadness sometimes that I had phimosis at all, because it affected my whole life, but I am happy that I did it, at my request, for me.
>Sex is great, but then I ever had sex with phimosis or with a working foreskin, but 10 years on I am still wonderfully sensitive.
>From the men in this group there are different ways of curing, and variants of circumcison, so consider carefully - writing down on paper is always a good way, the pros and cons of each cure.
>It is always a very personal decision. It may be reached quickly or at length, but sometimes all the information in the world can't make that decision for you.
>It will come down to what you want and why you want it. Good luck.
>>for anyone who has been cut - do you regret it? at all?
>>>help! i thought i knew what i wanted to do about my phimosis and had decided not to get a circumcision. but now i have done more research in the pro-circumcision side of things and i don't know! i am really lost now, and i thought i knew. i am now tempted to get a circ. but but arrrrrrrrrrrggggh HELP! where could i find UNbiased info on this i.e. somewhere that is not pro one or the other? please could someone help me out i am going mental!!!!!!!!!!