Re: 14-YO Uncircumcised Penis won't pull back - must fix.
Written by steve at 26 Oct 2000 02:54:17:As an answer to: 14-YO Uncircumcised Penis won't pull back - must fix. written by Charles II at 25 Aug 2000 04:59:43:
>>>I am very worried and I am scared. When I was younger I never retracted my foreskin like I was supposed to and now I wish I could go back in time and fix that...Anyhoo please tell me there is something that can be done other than circumcision. I'd kill myself if I had to be circumcised!I lucklely rectracted mine when I was younger just from masturbation. I had never heard that you where supposed to retract your foreskin. You coukd do what some other people have done whitch is pull foreskin out over past the tip and just try to get your fingers in the hole and slowly strech it . If you dont want to do that or get circumscied. YOUR SCREWED!!
- Re: He's not screwed Nick 10/26/2000 15:46 (0)