16: Maybe Phimosis, aybe not
Written by Robbie at 31 Oct 2000 18:39:45:As an answer to: Is this phimosis ?? written by ACJ at 31 Oct 2000 02:53:01:
Q> Ok I am 16 and I probably have phimosis. I have a kind of string like piece of skin that connects my skin to the penis on the tip of my penis but it's too short so my foreskin won't go back all the way. Is this phimosis?
A> There are two common problems that prevent proper retraction of the foreskin. You may have either or both, and they are unrelated.The first is normal childhood adhesions between the inner foreskin and outer surface of the penis head. These adhesions naturally separate the two and allow full retraction by about age 5 in almost all boys. But there are cases where the separation does not take place or is not complete until later, and medical treatment is needed. This is NOT phimosis.
Phimosis is a condition in which the foreskin is too tight around the shaft or body of the penis, often the opening too small at the end. This often appears or grows worse as you approach puberty, when the penis is trying to grow and develop and is being choked by an ungiving foreskin. In some cases, the foreskin can be forced to retract, more likely when you are not erect, but will become trapped behind the head because it is too tight. This is called paraphimosis. It requires stretching, aided by skin thinning cortico-steroid creams, to make it loose enough to roll back and forth freely. It is important that the foreskin be fully retractable or you will have problems, and by your age this should not be delayed another moment.
You may consider circumcision as another cure to either of the above. If you are not sure about it, see a web site I read about at circlcist.org/cfeelcut.html.
Now to find out what YOUR specific condition is, is the string of skin attached to the bottom end of the pee slit and connected to the foreskin on the bottom? If so, that is the frenum, and is normal. Any adhesions on the top are not normal at your age, and must be seperated using ointments and gradual stretching.
You should find a buddy who has a properly functioning penis, preferably uncircumcised like you but his foreskin must be completely retractable, who can show you how it is supposed to look and work. Then get to work and get yours fixed, or get medical help as soon as you can.