help! tight foreskin
Written by annoyedveryimbarrest at 01 Nov 2000 00:39:44:hi
i am an 22yr old male.
i have a problem with my foreskin that i hope someone can help me with
at the end of my foreskin it is very tight and the opening isnt really big enough for the head of my penis to go through so i can retract it.
I can retract my foreskin so it is behind the head of my penis, but it takes a lot of effort to force it behind there.
Also if i happen to get an erection when my foreskin is behind the head of my penis it is painful and like the head of my penis is being "strangled"
if i try to uriniate when it is in this state it hurts and not much urine will come out.
Sometimes it has taken me several hrs and much pain to get my foreskin back to its normal position after this, and if i have tried to urinate, when it finally goes back to its normal position urine comes out, i guess cause the pressure is released.
has anyone got a solution to this problem?
i am very scared of going to the doctor and i do not want to be circumcised.
I dont know if this will cause problems when having intercourse, because i am a virgin.
i can masturbate ok though
- Re: help! tight foreskin Robin 12/17/2000 16:54 (0)