Re: Is this phimosis ??
Written by ACJ at 01 Nov 2000 00:55:19:As an answer to: Re: Is this phimosis ?? written by R J Knight at 31 Oct 2000 20:30:31:
>Sounds more like frenulum breve, where the tissue at the bottom of the penis head (frenulum)is too short & binds the foreskin to the bottom of the penis. It's usually not life-threatening but can be a damned nuisance. Taking it to a doctor you know and trust (if there is such a one nearby) is a good idea. If you don't know such a doctor, now's a good time to find one. Best wishes, RJK.
Thanks a lot for the info
I am now pretty sure that my frenulum breve is too short which makes it hard to pull my foreskin back all the way.
Is this worse than Psimosis well yes and no I looked up some web-sites and it only needs a 20 minute op but on the other hand you can't use creams to cure it.
As for asking a friend to show me what his penis looks like...well he may get the wrong idea:)
BTW If they cut it off wouldn't my foreskin drop down!