Re: Lucky Retracted foreskin
Written by Harold at 05 Nov 2000 01:11:13:As an answer to: Re: Lucky Retracted foreskin written by Bobby R. at 29 Aug 2000 22:13:05:
Don't let half truths and untruths from the intact camp some of whom are quite neurotically obsessed cause you any qualms. It is not necessary or even desirable for an adult male to keep the glans covered. With exposure cleanliness is easier there is better disease rjection, and sexual operation is just fine. It is my feeling that the overcenter design of the foreskin provides many of us with the ability to wear it either way if imperfectly predictable.
Exposure will not kill all sensation. A slight toughening of the skin of the glans reduces vulnerability to pain and make good macho sex performance.
If you feel you want to cover sometmes taping or use ofan oring or two on the tip of the foreskin can make this possible.
>>Re: I am 27 years old and as far back as I can remember my foreskin has stayed fully retracted, I can pull it forward without any problems but it rolls right the way back leaving my glans fully exposed.
>>I echo the other sentiments - lucky you. I have known others that didn't naturally retract, or atrophy, until late teens or adulthood, and adjustment to the new sensation was not pleasant or easy. Even at puberty it wasn't for me, and I had to work at it awhile to get used to it. But I treasure the cut feel and look and think you are out of your mind to throw yours away.
>That is so true. I envied the other guys whose foreskins would automatically retract or were just tight enough to rest behind the glans. Mine was like yours and took constant effort for some time, but it pays to keep at it. I finally got the "cut" look and feel without the operation and its great.