Written by RS on 10. September 1999 at 01:34:43:In Reply to: Who can I contact to try and get referred. written by James Prendergast on 02. September 1999 at 13:06:39:
Hello James,
> Firstly, congratulations on an excellent site with clear and informative information.
I was waiting for a second address in the isle of man, but probably the following address is the best (and the most expensive) Ok Dr. Cuckow wrote a paper on preputial plasty --- Geoffrey falk has it on CIRP ..its linked out from
https://www.male-initiation.net/dorsal.html ... this guy should be the expert at &125 for consultation and &1200 for an operation.Dr. Cuckow:
Hospital: Dept of Paediatric Urology, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London
WC1N 3JH.Now while I admire your courage taking on the dragon of the NHS, I suspect you might be living in an ideal world, and the NHS might come a bit short of your noble vision ...
Preputial Plasty is a new invention, and it takes a while till medical students have read the papers and anything new becomes normal practice - you should consider that even normal circumcision is often not taught in medical colleges ...
If you need an operation then I would suggest trying to get a half or partial circumcision ... even this might be tricky, and you might need to telephone round a bit ... then also to consider is an oblique partial circ. then theoretically this would leave a preputial opening which requires absolutely no stretching of any scar, even in old age, ... this is quite a new idea developed from a medical study on Bulls ... (who have it remarkably good in the modern world, with pre puberty checks and all sorts of extras like they even check bulls eyesight as part of the Breeding Soundness Examination ... one can only imagine why ... ) ... anyway while this is all true I dont wish to confuse you. ... welcome to the crazy world of male genital taboos ...
If you find a doctor in the UK who will perform a partial circ. and if this operation is successful then please remember the feedback so I can advise the good doctor further
- Re: Find a Vet ....! James Prendergast 10.9.99 (1)
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