Re: Adhesion, Not Phimosis
Written by Charles II at 23 Nov 2000 02:33:02:As an answer to: Adhesion Problem written by BoB at 21 Nov 2000 23:26:13:
>I am 14 and the foreskin and my glans seem to be connected a little bit on the underside of my penis. It is even connected to my frenelum. I dont know what to do, is there a creme i can get to relieve this, i think what i have is adhesion. i dont know
Don't confusion adhesions, which are areas of skin still attaching the foreskin to the penis head, with phimosis, which is a foreskin too tight but not attached. The frenum should not prevent retraction of the foreskin off the head even though it connects to it. Many common lubricants can aid in working adhesions loose, but some require a doctors treatment.
The creams usually discussed in many of these posts are for phimosis, and only work to make the skin thinner and plyable so it may be stretched wider. There is a boy with a problem very much like yours in the page under 'teen sex' today. I am still not sure if either of you are having a problem with the frenum or some different adhesion. Look for the color drawing on in the bottom right corner of the page and tell us if you are referring to the frenum shown in yellow, or something else.