Re: Bobby, If You Must Stir Pot, Please Stir At Fathermag!
Written by RJK at 23 Nov 2000 17:49:21:As an answer to: Bobby, If You Must Stir Pot, Please Stir At Fathermag! written by Charles II at 23 Nov 2000 02:40:04:
>If there is really such a thing as a support group for THIS, I can only shake my head and wonder what kind of wimps men are becoming...
>>>You really are something else aren't you? - do you have no understanding of anyone else's feelings, or are you really such a self-centred, unfeeling b*****d?
>>* * *
>>Well, sorry. I didn't realize it was so touchy.
>BOBBY! You can always come help me stir up the no-circ nuts at fathermag!
Wassamatta, Charlie, don't you think the poor guy really has a problem? Or is Bobby the one bugging him, in which case your point is very well taken? My own philosophy is that if you have 2 functional balls & a healthy prostate, you should be grateful, and have no right whatever to heap scorn on anyone who's concerned over what he considers to be a problem. Best wishes for a calm solution to this (and all other) questions. Cheers, RJK.