Re: TIght Foreskin
Written by R J Knight at 04 Dec 2000 20:42:23:As an answer to: TIght Foreskin written by Jim at 04 Dec 2000 00:32:23:
Jim, if you can find a physician who's willing to do it, a dorsal slit--an incision in the foreskin at the top of the penis--should eliminate the phimosis problem & make it possible to uncover your glans at any time, flaccid or erect. A fairly short slit can accomplish the remedy if all adhesions under the foreskin are loosened, and your frenoplasty should have accomplished this already. The d.s. normally takes a couple of weeks at most to heal, and most guys who've had it are pleased with the resujt. (If you don't like it you can always move on to circumcision, which is by no means as bad as it's sometimes portrayed. Good luck! RJK.
>I ad a tight forskin that woul;d not retract wihtout discomfort and recently had a frenuloplasty whcih although has improved the condition has not cred it. This is extremely frustrating as I am unable to have comfortasble sex wiht my girlfriend. Please help me, what can I do now, I do not liek the idea of circumcision.