Re: Boyfriend

Written by Robin at 17 Dec 2000 17:05:26:

As an answer to: Re: Boyfriend written by RJK at 22 Nov 2000 21:58:23:

As an answer to: Boyfriend written by cyndi at 21 Nov 2000 10:03:54:

>When we are having sex, my boyfriend sometimes has pain or bleeds from the underside of the head (where the V is I think, he won't let me see). He also sometimes has problems inserting as the foreskin is being pulled backwards and the bit under the head stretches/hurts.

(is there meant to be a fold still or when you pull back is it meant to look smooth?) What can I tactfully suggest

you are describing frenulum breve, - a great many men with this condition - without thinking simply blindly have an unconscious fear of circumcision, the point is frenulum breve does not require circumcision, - tell him that frenulum breve needs no circumcision and slowly rational thoughts may dawn on him ... further, the welcome page on my site would have enabled you an accurate diagnosis a month ago - please read the welcome page now and then get him to read it, .. all the links to further information and treatment of this condition are very obvious


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