Re: very sensitive penis head
Written by R J Knight at 31 Dec 2000 00:32:30:As an answer to: very sensitive penis head written by W at 30 Dec 2000 22:03:23:
>when i push back my forehead, while erect or flaccid the head of my penis is really sensitive. if I am in the shower it can hurt to have the water spray onto my exposed head. I usually have to get water in my hand and pour it onto my head to clean it. is this normal?
W, that seems excessively sensitive. You could probably reduce the sensitivity to manageabole proportions by keeping the glans exposed to the open air for a period of time, to allow the covering membrane (mucosa) to thicken a little. If it is possible to keep the foreskin back, in place behind the glans for extemded periods of time, you might try to do this for a day or two, by which time the sensitivity should be reduced quite a bit. But if the glans won't remain uncovered by itself, you may need to try keeping it exposed with the help of adhesive tape or some such material. Without much question you can reduce the sensitivity in time, but it may take a good bit of effort. Good luck! RJK.