Written by jj on 18. September 1999 at 04:03:20:In Reply to: Phimosis? written by WI on 18. September 1999 at 02:23:45:
> Must first say that the site had been really informative and I've truly learned a lot from it.
>Had been very curious though, about my own condition ever since I read about the self-diagnosis section.
>I'm presently 19, and I do seem to have a case of relative?? phimosis. I could retract my foreskin when flaccid and it does stay there. But when erected I could only retract as far as the corona and with some discomfort too.
>Would really want to hear some comments and advice. A suggestion for treatment would be great too. Thanks!!
It is difficult to determine -- but I think a lot of men have tight foreskins- being a "stretcher"- I would recommend you try careful stretching by retracting as far as it will comfortably go while erect- I think a lot can be gained by not trying to go too far at any one time. You could possibly have frenulum breve but you didn't mention if it pulls the glans downward when retracted when flaccid. good luck