Written by RS on 18. September 1999 at 17:43:00:In Reply to: Phimosis , is circumsicion necessary? written by Huey on 07. September 1999 at 20:31:42:
>I'm 26 years old and I'm certain I have pimosis since birth. My situation is that I'm when I'm fully erected my foreskin cover the head of my penis, but I'm
>able to push my skin below my head erected or not. When my penis is erected and my skin gets below my head I have this tight feeling that hurts.
>Leaving me with no pleasure at all in having sex. This really is pain.
>My foreskin does hang over penis when I'm I'm not erected.
>Should I get circumcise or is there another cure?
>And would circumcise give me the pleasure of sex again I would really hate to have knifes in me
Hello Huey,If you want to avoid circumcision then you need a couple of hours learning about the subject and reading through the relevant pages, ... I suggest you go back to the Welcome page and pick up the ZIP at the bottom of the page
www.male-initiation.netThe important point about making a self diagnosis is that YOU feel confident that you understand what`s happening anatomically, to be able to make it worth a doctor discussing this with you in an intelligent manner, instead of simply prescribing an operation which you dont understand.
>tight feeling that hurts.
>This really is pain.
When I hear this I feel it is a clear symptom of frenulum breve.now maybe you have a mixture of phimotic ring and frenulum breve, you need to check both.
So the question is,
when flaccid is there an hourglass effect around the shaft of the penis, which is the phimotic ring ...
can you see how the foreskin in the frenulum area under the glans is pulled in tight together. ---you can go to the welcome page again and read the abstracts and then follow the links for frenulum breve and phimosis - then the subsequent links for appropriate treatment are clearly linked at the page bottoms.
Its not as bad as it sounds! - you probably dont need any sort of circumcision!
Can you write to confirm or negate the frenulum idea and if there is a phimotic ring
And please take a few days considering your position, it involves changes which you make for the rest of your life,
Good luck and happy hunting
- Re: Phimosis , is circumsicion necessary? Hi RS Huey 21.9.99 (2)
- Re: Phimosis , is circumsicion necessary? Hi RS d 21.9.99 (1)
- Re: Phimosis , is circumsicion necessary? Hi RS RS 25.9.99 (0)