Re: Very Tight foreskin

Written by RS on 18. September 1999 at 20:43:00:

In Reply to: Very Tight foreskin written by George on 13. September 1999 at 18:50:56:

>Message: I am 49, it started about 2 yrs old where it gets very tight
>when I get excited and starts to tear on each side of the shaft.
> I have tried creams, but no help not sure what to do next It is
>getting very painful.

Dear George,

As to the cause of this, well I`ve just been writing about this on another thread so I requote a passage from

Phimosis Research gives detailed information on the exact positioning of this phimotic band.

Most infants have a ring and this usually stretches naturally during childhood. Sometimes the ring does not stretch, in addition it can reappear for a number of different reasons, at any time of life.

The development of a ring in mid-life is an indication for diabetes. In old age together with the general drying and tightening of the skin, fibrotic elements lead to a deterioration of the rings elasticity. The ring is also prone to rip and then as it joins, due to the scar it will usually become tighter.

The connection between the ring and LSA (also called balanitis) is particularly convoluted. Often the abrasive action of the ring during masturbation and the warm, damp, dark, enclosed area between the foreskin and glans can lead to LSA. On the other hand due to external influences (partner, soaps, side effects of other medicines,) LSA may occur and this leads to degeneration of the skin tissue and subsequently a ring can develop.

Phimosis Treatment gives details on the different histological types of ring.


Phimosis Treatment also naturally gives different options on appropriate treatment.

I`d suggest a couple of hours learning about the subject and reading through the relevant pages, ... I suggest you go back to the Welcome page and pick up the ZIP at the bottom of the page

At some point you will need to go to a doctor, but first I`d suggest spending a few days getting to understand your condition better. You need to check if you have a phimotic ring, and as you follow the thinking through, a secondary ring will need some sort of operation ... this could be a partial circ or there are naturally other alternatives ... a little time spent understanding the subject would make it worth a doctor discussing this with you in an intelligent manner, instead of simply prescribing an operation which you dont understand.

you can go to the welcome page again and read the abstracts and then follow the links for phimosis - then the subsequent links for appropriate treatment are clearly linked at the page bottom.

Good luck and happy hunting

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