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Re: Painful Glans

Written by Robin at 02 Nov 2005 17:20:17:

As an answer to: Re: Painful Glans written by Nick at 01 Nov 2005 09:43:14:

Hi D,

Im sure this is the main site online which deals with your type of problem, and Ive heard of literally hundreds of cases.

Nick, I agree with you on most points and I think youre dead right on the Pimafucort and the doctor who has diagnosed the pain incorrectly. Where we dont agree is I suspect there is no partial phimotic ring, so, this will give D, something to think about and hopefully read all the relevant information on the site.

Hi again D,
Im pretty sure, that your impression of pain is partly the hypersensitivity, but also PARTLY the frenulum breve ("breve" means "short"). I guess that actually the pain caused by the frenulum is the MAIN problem. The frenulum breve is often reported with severe degrees of pain.

We are also talking about remembered pain, ie. that sometime in the past the frenulum caused such intense pain that nowadays the fear of this accentuates the feeling of pain.

There is really only one easy simple cure for this condition and that is a frenuloplasty sometimes called a frenoplasty. It takes a half hour, every Urologist or Surgeon has performed it often. .. If you have frenulum breve, you will need this operation.

Now comes the question which country do you live in, somehow I suspect the homeland (ie. UK), and then we have NHS waiting lists to confront and another subject for another day

In addition just to clarify your picture of it all, .. you are under the impression that the foreskin rolls back, rather than pulls back, I believe maybe you feel the foreskin is one piece of skin a bit like the tongue, it isnt, its more like the stomach, its a bag of skin which is hollow inside, it unravels back.

Apart from the anatomical problems, theres also the psychological, and I hope when the time comes that you will feel free to talk about them. The site has around 100 reports of psychological disturbances and failed relationships resulting from undiscovered, untreated foreskin conditions. My own story is among them, its about 20 times worse than yours and I didnt discover the problem till I was 43 yrs. old. so its a story of pure hell and perversion and though I havent heard of anyone getting nightmares after reading it, I wouldnt advise it on an empty stomach.

And dont we wonder why on earth these problems werent checked and corrected before puberty? My life would have been totally different, and also I often wonder how much difference it would have made to my various girl friends lives.


