Well if youre sure its the phimotic ring, and first you want conservative treatments (ie not irreversible surgery) then first on the list is betamethasone 05 ... and at best you need a dermatologist (a skin specialist) to prescribe this.
you could try simple stretching methods without steroid creams to start with, the effect is the same, just that betamethasone will speed up the process, but if a foreskin will stretch then it will stretch without help of steroids ... (unless the phimotic ring is caused by LSA or some other infection or diabetes etc. etc.)
It is easiest for you to first presume that yours is a primary phimotic ring - (Is it there since birth? if yes then we can be 99% sure) - and this will stretch easily.
There are no long term tests done on if stretching with steroids or without lasts longer, but with both you need the stretching exercises regularly. Try it.
Lots of advice and ideas on stretching is given on the phimosis index under treatment and then under stretching - please see male-initiation.net/phimos.html
Try it out - keep in touch - good luck
>thnku for the reply.
>no, my resons for not getting a surgical cure is just because i want to know if there are any methods by which i can avoid surgery. It has no religious concers or in no way im prohibited by my religion to get any kind of medical aid. Its just my personal prefrence not to go for a surgery. Im keping this method as my last resort to my problem.
>The main problem is the phimotic ring. on later observation i found it was not the frevel but the phimotic rind hindering in full retraction.
>with regards