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Re: Greek words

Written by George at 14 Dec 2005 15:04:23:

As an answer to: Re: Greek words written by Robin at 16 Nov 2005 17:45:26:

Dear Robin

I finally managed to connect to the internet after so long time.I want to apologize for my last e-mails where i was so anxious about my problem....i just wanted to know exactly my
I owe you some explanations about greek words....
1)The greek word for horses reins is ''chalinaria" or "χαλινάρια" in greek so it hasn't got the same root with phimosi.
2)the verb "fimono" cannot exactly be used for "shut up", just because is too polite and to's like trying to say ''shut up'' using "muzzle".

Thanks again for your help untill now,i'll try to arrange my condition,even though i'm too anxious and shy to go to the surgery...

