The problem you may encounter is that you cant really tell what your exact problem is. The tightness/phimosis may just be stopping the frenulum stretching out correctly. If its just phimosis it should be around the top of the upper side of the foreskin. Try moving the underside near the frenulum and see if there is any give
You will see that a way to diagnose it is if you pull back on your foreskin and the glans starts to point downwards. This may be hard to see as the phimosis on the top side may add equal pressure meaning they just balance each other out and your glans will point normaally. The frenulum is attached to an upside down v of skin on the underside which if you have phismosis you may think the frenulum is short however once you stretch the top side the v underneth may come further down
Treatments: Stretching apparently almost never works, The operation is apparently quite painless and takes less then 30 mins as an out-patient. There are people talking about it in this Forum.
In any case you might not have this problem. Maybe go see your doctor, if not try stretching the phismosis and once you get somewhere with this you yourself will be able to tell if it is fren breve aswell.