There is no special name or anything for a penis surgeon, a surgeon is a surgeon and operating on the penis is a whole lot easier than any internal operation, surgeons are trained to cut bodies open and get in there, so really any surgeon has the expertise to operate a foreskin.
Malaysia, interesting, damn sight warmer there as well ... --- you see, any surgeon, even if they have the habit of lopping off the entire foreskin, any surgeon will have the ability to do a frenuloplasty. As you say there is a slight resistance from the phimotic ring, it is up to you, whether you want to attempt stretching this after the frenulum problem is removed, or if you go straight away for the circ. Hummm ... Muslim circumcision could well be expected to use the traditional methods and that may be in Malaysia a partial circumcision, which could well be advised.
Suggest you go and find a surgeon and have a first simple little chat to find out the possibilities.