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Re: Just had a frenuloplasty

Written by Rob at 30 Dec 2005 16:30:32:

As an answer to: Re: Just had a frenuloplasty written by peter at 24 Dec 2005 19:27:45:

Hi Peter,

What is a "sinequeothomy"? I have never heard the word, are you referring to releasing the infant adhesions, the epithelium, where the foreskin sticks to the glans? If so then I would agree with you that they must be released as early as possible, I tend to be conservative and practical in my statements - I would say after the third year they must be released, infact this is probably the most important practical point in my entire site ( - I would certainly not object to this being in the first year.

You leave me a number of questions: your frenulum certainly must have given you problems for you to have had both sons preventively cut, Id be very interested in what the problems were??

Then a small practical note, I heard from one man recently who had the laser treatment on the frenulum and he complained that it left a hard ridge and that it didnt stretch the foreskin out like an op would have done, I saw pictures of this, and the laser seemed to have cut the frenulum off, but left the foreskin bundled up in itself. Frenuloplasty allows the foreskin to stretch out evenly all around. Are your sons Ok on this score?

So just a few thoughts - keep in touch - cheers


>I'have a frenulumtomy. My frenulum never waS TROUBLE IT SELF, but may doctor advice the cut. since the time after the cut, i and may wise are very happy in our sexual relations.
>my sons are uncut, but all had frenulumtoy with lasser when their penis were peeled by the sinequieothomy, about their teen years old.
>Sincerely, I advice the frenulumthomy for all males, and if it is possible, the circumsicion or at the less, the sinequeothomy after the first year old of the male baby.
