As an answer to: self cut written by RS at 11 Jan 2005 16:23:09:
>self cut
Thanks an interesting letter,
I dont actually support self surgery, but you seem to have had fun, so who am I to wave the guilty finger.
If you read that the frenulum holds the foreskin forward - then you read this on
an anti-circ site. My site says the frenulum breve holds the foreskin forward.
Yes and the foreskin returns to its forward position for men without any
frenulum, purely because of the mass of foreskin.
The idea that the "ridged band" holds the foreskin forwards, shows me very
clearly that you have been reading too much anti-circ. information.
The anti circers. love the idea of their glans being covered, they almost
worship the conditions, because the conditions hinder retraction, and cover the
glans so snugly ... it really is cloud cuckoo land.
Training the foreskin to stay in the retracted position even when not erect -
can take a lot of time Ive heard this often, and often men say a mild "phimotic
ring" will help to hold the foreskin behind the glans.
>Dear Robin
>Your articales are very interesting. I my self is
>uncircumcised, I read that the frenulum keeps the
>foreskin forward, so I decided to cut the frenulum
>in half,it did not hurt it just bleeded and healed
>after a couple days. I do not miss it at all.
>There was no difference at all. It still goes
>forward like before. I think the ridge band keeps
>the foreskin foreward, that I can not cut off.
>There men who train there foreskin to stay
>retracted, I just can"t do that to mine. It's just
>to loose to stay back. I do not why this method is
>used for a tight frenulum, mine was not tight, I
>was just doing a experement to see what happens
>when I cut it.
>Keep up the good work
> x