There were three new people answering on this forum last week, - sorry dont remember the names.
One reminds us of releasing infant adhesions, and that we wouldnt all be here if modern medicine had taken better care of us early enough.
One (please dont be over sensitive when I criticise, its not at all personal, ... ) writes "normal" ... this is quite a common statement, usually made by people who want to proove phimosis is no problem and therefore does not need treating early.
Please lets not beat about the bush with male pride and talking about foreskin problems as though they are "no problem", - here in this subject, normal means free ... with a difficult or not normal foreskin (however mild) there is a degree of functional and behavioural inhibition. I accept that effects from mild conditions, discovered in young manhood, would be nothing in an otherwise secure personality. A man with a secure personality could certainly cope with and learn from a númber of problems without them becoming a crisis ... but lets not get over confident and puffing up the male pride and start claiming its no problem.
All conditions are some sort of problem, all states of "not normal" in fact mean you cant use youir full potential and you are to some extent inhibited. - If normal is only "normal" then it is hardly worth me or anyone else considering the need to monitor kids and prevent or treat early.
These forums always develop around treatment (rather than psychology, early prevention etc.)
I noticed someone had a list of paraphimosis cures, ... good, In a practical sense what this forum needs is a sort of FAQ on various treatment points - how to stretch is the most common question.
I can never remember all the points AND also answer an individual letter,
my two online pages need summarising
they need arranging in short sentances maybe ten easy to read points, --- it is easy work --- (I have so much else to do on the project that I never will get time for this ... I always hoped someone else would cover the practical info.)
I would then put the info on line - or it can be reposted
something like this
1. Beauge - the theory slow regular stretching
2 stretching against the glans
3. use heat steam showers baths
4 use steroids --- (link to 5 points on steroids)
5 use your little fingers
6. use a vibrator
if anyones interested, and doesnt understand, then I will explain the idea better