As an answer to: Re: Phimosis? written by Thomas at 04 Jan 2006 21:03:43:
Hi Thomas,
youre "problem" isnt the same as Derek because he seems to have a frenulum breve as well.
There are a number of men who have gone through life with a foreskin which can retract to the extent of that shown in the picture you give. Because the foreskin is held forward allowing NO movement, with enough lubrication one can penetrate complete with foreskin, and the phimotic ring itself doesnt get in the way.
I dont know what happens to such people in old age when the skin shrinks, and I can only imagine that then (say round about 70 yrs. old) they need an operation.
It is apparently "no problem" to many men, however it is not "normal" and here in this subject, normal means free ... with a difficult or not normal foreskin (however mild) there is a degree of functional and thus behavioural inhibition.
Simply you dont have full access to your genital equipment, its something like having gloves on all the time - and the gloves are fixed in place. If the "glove" was moveable, you might well experience an over sensitive glans which has always been hidden underneath. I can also imagine that after 19yrs. used to gloves that for the first period you wouldnt enjoy this change to oversensitivity (which wears off after a month or two).
My answer then is : do you want to go through life with a glove on your male pride and joy? Its up to you, sexual stimulation happens mostly in the mind, so maybe this physical inhibition is irrelevant for you. For me it means you cant use or even see your full potential and you are to some extent physically inhibited.
>This might sound a bit strange but I am also a 19 year old from the UK and I've just realised I have this condition. I can only retract my foreskin as far as is shown in this picture:
>However, I've never had any problems with it apart from when urinating (I can't direct it and have always had to sit down) but I've never felt any pain or discomfort. At one point I actually thought it was abnormal for the foreskin to retract as far as it does. Is this really a "problem"? Thanks.