i have understood that you want some italian pages about foreskin gym translated for your site, but i'm wrong! maybe you asked me to translate your site in italian.
Yes, Italy need for information about phimosis, but i don't think that i'm good enough for translate it!
yes, you are again right, the web is too speed and i have replay without attention... i'm sorry for misunderstanding but i don't belived my eyes when i've found someone with i can talk about my childhood!
i hope to see you next week!
>now you are very quick in answering, and I am only online once a week and this is my last letter before I go home.
>I dont really understand what you are offering here, I do not need an English translation of preputial gymnastics, it sounds like there is far too much of this form of "American Football" already in the world.
>Also Bible sites arent exactly my cup of tea.
>However I did feel that maybe in Italy there was a need for the information on my site ... yes of course this is only my opinion ... however it might be your opinion as well.
>Whatever, please now, just think for a few days, and then give me an email which I can pick up next week -
>its true - I am fighting a loosing battle against the speed of internet - but I live in rather primitive conditions in the middle of a field and there is just no way to speed me up - (though thanks for trying).
>>Hi Robin!
>>i'm happy to translate for you same italian page about this "ginnastica prepuziale".
>>there is two different way of thinking: the old pediatric are pro foreskin gym (my doctor was very old 10 yers ago), the new pediatric are absolutely against.
>>On the web therisn't so much, if you search "prepuzio" on google you can find a lot of bible site but few medical...
>>the most of site about foreskin gym are parents forum, but i will search something for your site! :)