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Re: retraction

Written by Nick at 17 Feb 2005 16:57:17:

As an answer to: retraction written by RS at 11 Jan 2005 16:22:06:

Hi, it would appear that you have relative phimosis which is treatable primarily by 2 methods. I am assuming that you have always been aware of this problem (or at least since puberty). It may be possible that regular stretching of the foreskin will improve its mobility and this may be aided by the use of some form of steroid cream such as Kenalog. Alternatively if that fails then a simple minor surgical technique of making 4 or 5 mini slits may be sufficient to allow your foreskin to easily retract. I advise that you dissuade your doctor from carrying out a full circumcision as you by no means require that. Please do not be embarrassed to go to your doctor, I was when I had phimosis and now I don't understand what all the anxiety was about. Foreskin conditions are so common the doctor will not even bat an eyelid. If it makes you feel better you don't have to show your doctor your penis, simply explain your condition as clearly as you can and ask them about stretching the foreskin yourself and if they consider that an option request a prescription for some steroid cream.

Good Luck

