come on lets at least have an initial to call you!
still yes please try stretching first, after a circ. there is nothing left to stretch - so really you must attempt to stretch first.
Yes I appreciate what you are asking. The previously completely covered glans is frequently (perhaps more than half the time)reported as hyper sensitive. Yes it will adapt to the environment - (this sounds a bit like evolutionary theory - after the soft warm environment of the inner foreskin suddenly the neanderthal was plunged into the ice age ... still do not worry, you will not become extinct- excuse me joking but I enjoy it even if no-one else does!)
The hyper sensitive glans is reported that with simple handling and enduring the pain that thne sensitivity diminishes and vanishes within 2 months. The glans needs time to toughen up - its like any naked skin just after youve cut yourself, it takes a few days till it stops stinging - What I believe you have to consider is that if you dont toughen it up, and you cant touch it yourself, then no pretty young girl will be able to ... so what do you want? - it seems to me a very simple decision ...
>I'm only 18 years old, I have only recently discovered I have phimosis. I have researched alot on the condition and I have found out that gentle stretching works over time, also a circumcition is another option. I have not yet decided which of the two options I will take (I might try the stretching first and then the circumcition as a last resort). Anyway my real problem is, my glans are extremely painful to touch. If it's exposed for long enough will it adapt to the enviroment?, relieving me of any pain? What would be the best way to 'fix' it?