Hi i am uncircumsized and i think i have a frenulum breve.
i am 14 years old and am not sexually active but i defanatly have a freulum breve,
When i get an erection the frenulum at the back of my penis stretches and sometimes reduces the retraction of my foreskin. i can retract my foreskin all the way down when my penis is flaccid but when i get an erection the frenulum becomes very tight and turns white because of the tension. if i try and pull the foreskin back to what it should be it make the tip of my penis (dont know the proper name for it - 'bell end' i call it) dip downwards a lot and i can feel the tension in my frenulum, i am afraid that when i do have sex it will rip, i think i need a frenoplasty but i am afraid to go to the GP or tell anyone and i dont know if there is anyone else i can talk to about it.
thanks tac.