Did your Mum and dad give you that name? - we all have burdens :)
So, you got thoroughly frustrated with a short frenulum, which holds the foreskin forward and often imparts the impression of a redundant foreskin. I have had many letters from men who were frustrated with this excess foreskin and wanted circumcision, even though they only needed a frenuloplasty.
So, your troubles were resolved by the frenulum ripping, wonderful, this is the natural cure of a frenulum and its a shame it didnt happen in your youth before you started feeling frustrated by your foreskin.
So, then from free will (because you certainly didnt need it medically) you decided to get circd. and you are happy with the result, good, and you personally feel it is wonderful, good, and you and your wife think it looks more manly and better. - I cant comment, I can only say I have heard personal opinions which both criticise and praise, so who knows ... except it seems that those who have the operatiopn forced on them often develop an extreem resentment. Whereas those who choose this of free will are generally overjoyed.
let me ask, if someone would have forced you against your will, do you think you would still be happy, would you so pleased about taking the decision and the steps all by yourself and so to say, initiating yourself?
It seems to me that forcing your will on a youngster at the start of puberty could have very troubling consequences.
You appear to have only a surface consideration for medical necessities. You say your sons foreskin retracts freely, but does it reatract freely during erection? and does retraction pull the glans downwards, ie. has he frenulum breve?
I personally would like your son to contact me here - I will give him an e mail diagnosis, and frankly if there is nothing wrong, then I could not support your decision.
If he decides he wants circ. at any time then Id support his decision. I really dont have any personal opinion on cosmetic operations like the one you suggest. .... I would only like to say, that if you had been monitored before puberty, and if your frenulum breve had been treated before puberty, then you would have been spared a few years difficulty and frustration, and I very much suspect you wouldnt be pressurising your son now.
>my son won't agree to circ
22 Feb 2006 02:06:01 - frallog
after many years of suffering from tight frenulum I breached it during sex, so last year i finally got circumcised. The difference has been amazing. Apart from removing the obvious physical problems I feel that circumcision has given my penis a new, manly look. My son who is 12 has a foreskin which is a little tight and I would like to have him circumcised too. But he won't agree, he can pull back his foreskin however and all his friends are uncut. and I would like how can i persuade him to get cut like his dad?
>i want just best for my son. I read that the best age for cut is 10-13, i would cut him hight and tight like me, i know that this is best for him but he is just little scared. My wife is absolut agree, she think cut is better. I will cut him this spring, but before i would like explain him the benefits circumcision