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Re: please help

Written by Dimitar N. S. at 24 Feb 2006 16:49:11:

As an answer to: Re: please help written by Robin at 23 Feb 2006 19:59:46:

Some quick answers to your questions-
No matter how hard I push, it is impossible to push a little finger through the hole because it is to narrow.
When I pinch the outer foreskin at the front and pull outwards the hole looks like an opening of a tube which is 5-6mm in length as much as I can judge.
I can't discern two sheets of skin,maybe the lower sheet is hidden by the so-called tube I mentioned.
I know that you told me not to get pessimistic but the hole is actually tougher than I thought.I really begin to doubt the possible success of the whole stretching thing,because my case maybe is more complicated than we tought.
>Hello Dimitar,
>Thanks for the new pic which Ive downloaded. I am not at all gay, but Id sincerely like to experiment around with your foreskin!! Humm? what happens when you try and push a little finger through the hole? - what happens when you pinch the outer foreskin at the front and pull it outwards? (note, the foreskin is two sheets of skin with a space inbetween them, it is not like the tongue with just one flab of skin,).
>Im glad you have found a little time to stretch and even seem to have made a little progress, I dont want to suggest you get kinky about it, but there must be a way to stretch which turns you on a bit, ie. a pleasurable way of stretching which doesnt seem like work at all. - If youve made a little progress, then its worth perservering so have fun - some men say they stretch a little every time they urinate some in the shower, - it seems like a little stretching every day must become part of everyday life ... or its an operation.
>Steroid creams without doctors prescriptions are a tricky question, yes Id have thought there was something you could use, but I cant help much here. Betamethasone 0.5% is the most commonly used steroid for thinning skin. I believe in the UK you must have a prescription for this. Is it available online? - Is there an alternative steroid available online or over the counter? - I would like answers to these questions, but I cant help. I know that the best doctor to see for answers is a dermatologist (a skin doctor).
>Good Luck - keep in touch
>>Hi Robin,
>>it's a bit difficult to describe precisely my foreskin.I have made another picture,this time from above just like you asked me to do,and I hope it will be usefull to you in understanding my condition. No matter how hard I pull,the skin wouldn't retract much,because of the small hole which is holding it above the head of my penis.(you can see that clearly in the pictures). However,I am sure that I'll be able to give much more accurate description of my foreskin when I have some progress with the stretching. Unfortunately,recently I am really very busy and don't have much time to do this stretching :( In spite of this,I have done it a couple of times in the previous week,but the progress is slow.In the beginning I even thought that I simply imagined that there was any progress at all... Of course, I suppose that maybe it is normal that in the beginning the progress is tiny because I have never done stretching before and the skin is a bit sinewy. I hope that I'll be able to find much more time to do stretching and the progress will be much more significant. I'll be very grateful if you can recommend me some steroid cream which could be bought without doctor's prescription,because as I already said,I am quite busy recently and don' have much time to go to doctors and so on.
>>This is the new picture I made-
>>This is all for now.I'll try to do stretching regularly and I hope that there will be some more significant progress soon. I hope also that the information I gave you was useful to you,and I'll make new pictures as soon as there is some improvement. Thanks again for the help.
