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Re: naive question

Written by Robin at 02 Mar 2006 19:13:39:

As an answer to: naive question written by Antonio at 24 Feb 2006 18:23:16:

Hi Antonio,

I could guess you are Spanish or Italian, but then you write good English ... so? anyway,

There is a possibility that the frenulum will rip during first intercourse, however if it does it usually happens with bleeding and pain and is not really a very nice way to start your sexual life ... also it may not rip, it may simply be painful during intercourse.

For masturbation when alone, your hands can keep the foreskin forward. But when in a womans hands or vagina, your foreskin will get pulled backwards in ways you cant manually guide ... I would not wish this prospect of a complete mess up on first intercourse on anyone ... particularly when it is so easy to clear up with a frenuloplasty (sometimes called frenoplasty).

So I have a simple answer, frenulum breve is a problem.

What to do about it?

learn a bit more - you will find all you ever need to know about the condition and treatment under

If you fill out the questionnaire I could advise on further with dubious questions like stretching the frenulum etc. - or maybe you are suggesting you would like to attempt a complete experiment and try and provoke a controlled rip? ... anyway please read the treatment page thoroughly, decide which measure you want to take - and then ask again




I include a few extra notes on the subject

a few notes on What to do if the frenulum rips.

When the frenulum rips be happy, this is soon the end of your problems.

There are two considerations: 1. the bleeding 2. the frenulum mending shorter than before.

1. The first worry may be the bleeding. There is a frenular artery down there and sometimes it runs through the frenulum. Mostly there will be a little bleeding, but usually of no worry. In exceptional cases bleeding can be profuse enough to make someone lose consciousness.

Lets prepare for this exceptional case : Do you have swabs, and absorbent wads of lint - tampons are an alternative, bundles of cotton wool, anything absorbent .... and before you faint you need to have considered phoning an ambulance and in an emergency clamping the frenular artery with a paper clamp or even a clothes peg.


2. Men complain that after a rip the frenulum often mends even shorter than before.

The mistake they make is to let the frenulum heal with the foreskin forward, leaving the frenulum to join in its old position, but with a scar which makes it even tighter. What you must do - (if possible at the same time as stopping the bleeding) - is let the frenulum heal with the foreskin backwards, in the new ripped position. The wound must heal lengthways.

This is where you need Kerlex (elastic bandage). The wound must have antiseptic cream, wad of absorbent lint, and a kerlex bandage round the shaft holding the wad in place and foreskin back.

>Hi Robin
>I'm Antonio and I'm 19 years old.I want to ask you a naive question for intercourse,is there a possibility that the frenulum is ripped off?Is this the rule or the exception?
>Also i want to ask you another thing:my foreskin is easily retracted freely when flaccid but not at all when erected,unless i do it with my own hands.So, is it a problem or it is going to be resolved after the rip of the first intercourse?
