Written by very Private Person at 30 Mar 2006 20:20:42:
I don't normally do this, but after tonight's little foray through the
internet, and having found your site, I felt I really had to give something
back, so feel free to put this one up online if you like.
I'll keep it brief. I'm from Ireland. I'm 22. As near as I can tell,
circumcision is an extreme rarity over here. I was never one to go gawking
at other people's genitals, and I'm not a great sports person anyway, so I
can't personally confirm this, but I'm pretty sure that no one I knew was
circumcised. Stating the obvious, I'm also uncircumcised.
For a great many years, as far as I knew, circumcision was confined to
jewish rituals. I always thought of it as a very, very fringe practice. The
wince inducing thought of walking around 'all day' with the "inside" of your
penis exposed. It didn't not seem like a good idea. It was only about six
months ago that I discovered that over half of americans are still
circumcised! And I've been on the internet for a long time! I can tell you
it was quite a shock. I found for quite a while that I couldn't really look
at americans in the same way. I had NO idea. In any case, I disapporve of
the operation on the simple basis that people should not undergo surgury of
any kind unless it is absolutely necessary. But I digress.
Now, as I've said, I've been on the internet for a while, and on occassion I
do delve into the odd pornographic movie. As you can imagine, most of the
pornography on the internet comes from America. I think you can tell where
this is going.
Now, I'm rather a dense sort of person, so for some reason, it never really
clicked with me that in all the videos I was seeing, the male actors were in
fact all circumcised. The thought never even occurred to me. As I say, I'm
rather dense. Anyway, this very evening, I was once again perusing the less
reputable parts of the internet, when a rather different video came into my
Now, having been made aware of the whole circumcision things months before,
I was quickly aware that the male actor in the video was uncircumcised.
However, when his female partner began to manipulate his penis, I was
incredibly surprised to see his foreskin rolling "all" the way back down!
My own foreskin can roll "all" the way back, as seen from the top, when my
penis is flaccid. But when erect, my foreskin will clear the glans, exposing
all of it, but will bunch just below there, rather like a jumper sleve when
you bunch it up your arm. It always takes a little pulling to get it doen
that far, and it has a tendency to roll back up. There will be some tension
at this point. I had never assumed that this was anything other than
completely normal, in fact I had never assumed anything about it at all, so
needless to say this paticular illicit video before me came as quite a
A little googling turned up your site and the concept of a frenulum breve. I
don't think mine is short enough to qualify for treatment, but it was a bit
of an expierience to find out I've had half a medical condition for all
these years. I haven't had intimate relations with anyone yet, so I suppose
this was good to find out "before" an awkward moment. Masturbation for me is
largely a "foreskin on" expierience. In fact, I haven't even practiced with
a condom, the instructions on which always seemed a little idosyncratic to
me. "Roll back foreskin". 'Why? It'll only roll forward again?' I suppose I
should really get around to that.
Anyway, I'd like to thank you for your site and the information in it. I
finally "get" what all those photo's of uncircumcised penises were showing.
The site was of great help to me as I was rather bereft of any other
sources. Googling "foreskin" has a way of bringing up homosexual pornogaphy
links, which, while they may provide possibly the most complete
demonstartions of foreskin anatomy, are rather unliekly to provide it in
a... succinct way.