This morning when i woke early (because of the excrutiating pain when i get erections) my foreskin is quite tight over the head. I am now having difficulties to retract my forskin even a small amount. What can i do?
Iv got exams and very important classes i need to attend in a couple of days and at this rate i can barely walk around the house. Im really sore and i need help. So far I wish i left everything how it was- at least until my exams were over :-(
>Hello Steve,
>It is very normal that the day after an operation your penis looks as though a bomb has hit it and no-one cleared up the mess.
>What you describe with it being long one side and short the other sounds funny, but we will need around two weeks before you can actually see and feel what they have done.
>You have had luck to catch me online Im only here once a week and I note your letter is from today ... However, I dont know what I can say. Urinating will be tricky and messy for a few days but just try and relax, maybe sit to piss, wash with water afterwards, allow yourself time for the procedure.
>And then the really tricky bit, you need to quell your night time erections, but how? sometimes ice packs are advised, I could think of various alternatives, but all of them are cold uncomfortable and very unsexy ...
>I mean Steve basicly congratulations on having the op. - normally speaking after 2 weeks you should start feeling happy, and if not then please tell me why and we will see if theres anything we can do about it.
>Take care and look forward to a future sex life without a phimotic inhibition.
>>Im 16 and I had my partial circ op yesturday and today my forskin is in a mess, its long one end and covering the "eye" (where I urinate from) and on top- the other end, its short. This is a problem as when I need the toilet i have to realy struggle to pull the longer side down and it really hurts, i feel that the skin is getting tighter and covering more of the hole/eye.
>>Im very worried, is this normal? Im in a mess and I dont know how to sleep at night comfortably as i get night time erections and i cant turn over.
>>Please please please help me and reply to this