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Re: My Phimosis - please help!!

Written by Robin at 13 Apr 2006 21:29:29:

As an answer to: Re: My Phimosis - please help!! written by More info on my condition at 10 Apr 2006 15:49:26:

Hi SB.

This is the best attitude - cool calm and collected - another month or two isnt any problem. Id like to suggest you write to my email address and lets talk about the sexual problems this condition has caused you over the years ... however you probably wont realise what half of them were until you get it cured and shake off the inhibitions which you probably always thought were psychological.

You are asking complicated questions, until I know if you have a frenulum breve hidden behind your foreskin - without a diagnosis it is hard to prescribe a cure.

To ascertain if there is any frenulum breve you could go to a doctor, or you could perform a probe check yourself. This involves putting a q tip shaped object in through the .8cm opening and examining the interior of the foreskin, it is quite a detailed little procedure. I start explaining it at the very bottom of and then follow the link.

OK try and follow this, the frenulum cannot be stretched (perhaps in 1% of the cases but its not a practical answer) ... the phimotic ring can be stretched in 50% of all cases and most likely in your case as it is probably a primary phimosis (ie. was there from birth and wasnt caused through any secondary infection etc.). I could advise you on stretching if you are interested.

I must admit with younger men/teenagers I tend to always advise stretching first. With men of your age, I believe (purely my subjective opinion) that you need an actual visible operation to establish a sort of late initiation. Stretching involves a new habit in your life, and because the old habits sit so deep, I believe one needs a definate turning point, ie. an operation.

There will be no need for full circumcision. I would suggest you consider a partial circumcision which will leave half the foreskin to cover and protect the glans when flaccid - if you have a frenulum problem you will need a frenuloplasty as well as a partial circ. Some old fashioned doctors will simply want the full circ. but you must dissuade them or find other doctors.

Well, you dont need more than a days rest after an operation, its not an internal op. sure, any surgery is a shock but I feel with a cool calm and collected attitude you can handle that. The only problem is that life might be a little uncomfy around the groin, and you will walk like a cowboy who has lost his horse for around ten days ... but I dont see any reason to stop work ... maybe you will need to take your business colleagues horse riding instead of walking round the glf course!!

So, keep in touch - stay cool
- dont let it go to 36 yrs.



>Dear Robin,
>Thanks so much for your detailed answer. Yes, those are my pics and it's okay if you want to use them.
>I cannot retract my foreskin even when the penis is flaccid, not even a bit. The nozzle does not enlarge if I simply try to retract by pulling the skin towards the base of the shaft. If I try to use my fingers to roll the skin at the end of the nozzle back, with some efforts, it could open a little till about 0.8cm in diameter. I could then see a little bit of the top of my glans. That's all I can do. Since there is not much to be seen, i have not taken another pic.
>With such a condition, what is the likely treatment? Would stretching help or I definitely need an operation? Do I need a full circumcision? Please advise if possible.
>I have been waiting for 35 years and am in no hurry. Actually I always have to go on business trip in my job and if I need 1-2 weeks of rest after an operation, I will need to make real efforts to make the time available.
>Many thanks.
