Cleaning the glans - just use water no soap - if it hurts to splash the water on it then use a beaker (or my favourite is a nescafe jar) and dunk the glans in it and shake it around a bit. This might sound a little amateur, but this sensitivity is one of the big unsolved problems, cures are not available - and in my opinion men just have not experimented or reported their success/failure enough - so I believe the entire internet community is still at a loss on how to cure this.
Im sorry I dont understand your 2nd. question - I believe the answer is that it is not normal - but many men are and have been in your position - it is no rarity - but sorry you need to rephrase your question.
I just had a letter from a 35 yr. old - it makes me very angry that our culture and medicine does practically nothing to meet these problems - Dont even you at 16 wish that this had been checked and sorted out before puberty? - it really is a terrible burden when you should be simply enjoying your first sexual encounters with your girl friend. ... So I add the note that arc is looking for new energy ideas, and support - maybe youd like to look at the arc pages and see if you wanna join ...
anyway take care - relax - it will soon be all over
>2 more things to add, sorry.
>1. Any suggestions for cleaning the glans? It kinda hurts still since they are very sensitive.
>2. When i'm with my girlfriend and we are being affectionate with eachother - no sexual contact with me yet - but i find myself getting erect in my pants. And the more i move around, the more the foreskin gets pulled back in my pants. Soon after, i feel the glans exposed and it hurts since i'm wearing jeans/boxers. That is when i act like i'm checking with my contacts in the bathroom when i unzip and give my gentle tugs to pull the foreskin back over the head.
>my question: is this normal??