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Re: More details on stretching.

Written by Robin at 27 Apr 2006 20:52:42:

As an answer to: More details on stretching. written by Chris at 25 Apr 2006 08:56:55:

Hi Chris,

its fine starting a new thread.

I am no expert (are there any anywhere?)

Lets just think practically and think about keep fit and stretching as in yoga etc. ... doing yoga once a day for an hour is not as effective as doing it four times a day for 15 mins ... I would suggest that 5 mins 4 times a day, and then a quick I minute every time you go for a piss would be optimal.

Tensing repeats - again we have no standardised tests with control groups etc. - I think what would help most is just a continuous motion of stretching - relaxing - I dont think it helps as much holding it stretched for even one second - then again if we think of yoga it is often recommended that one holds the stretch - Im afarid I dont understand the different natures of muscle and phimotic ring - maybe holding stretched for one second would be a good idea, but Im afarid there are no comparative studies on this.

What we need to achieve is elasticity in the phimotic ring - maybe my common sense is wrong - but I believe the continual stretching relaxing is the best way to encourage this elasticity.

Hope thats answered. -hows it all going?



>Hey. I talked to you a while ago in the post "The story so far". A few quick questions on your method:
>1. How long do you recomemend stretching for (A period of 30 minutes daily, etc.)?
>2. How many "Tensing" reps (IE, pulling outward until tensing and relaxing) would you recommend. How long should the reps last? (a second, 3 seconds, half a second?)
>Just a few specifics that the stretching FAQ doesnt seem to cover.
